Custom Boot Commands

In this section, you can add server commands which will run every time the server boots. There are multiple features that can run on boot, which are listed below.

You can enter any combination of these commands, and examples & formatting guides will be provided along the way. You can add more than more one command in the settings box, separated on new lines.

Example boot command entry

OwnerID "XxXL337HaX0rXxX"
ModeratorID "ModOfHellfire"
global.whitelistid "PlayerOne"
global.whitelistid "PlayerTwo"
banitem "rifle.ak" "NoBlueprintSpawn NoTechTree"
setmodifier "hatchet" "tool" "2"
furnaceusagemultiplier "2"
monumentspawns.enableconfig "stables_recycler"
monumentspawns.enableconfig "cargoship_recycler"

Effects of the commands above:

  • A player with the gamertag XxXL337HaX0rXxX is set as the Owner of the server and has Owner privileges.

  • A player gamertag ModOfHellfire is set to be a Moderator in the server, and can access Moderator-tier options.

  • Players with the gamertags PlayerOne and PlayerTwo are on the Whitelist.

  • The Assault Rifle blueprint can’t spawn and the Assault Rifle can’t be found in the Tech Tree.

  • The Hatchet will now have 2x gather rate.

  • The Furnace will now burn twice as much fuel as normal.

  • Recyclers will now spawn at the Large Barn and the Cargo Ship.

Last updated

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