Kit Management
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Kits are customisable inventories that the player can spawn with if the Admin/Owner wishes.
We have implemented a new UI for buying, selling, and distributing kits to players on your community server.
This means that you no longer have to use commands in the GPORTAL console, but you can still use these commands if you wish.
Be aware, there may be issues or conflicts if you are using both the commands and the UI at the same time.
From any point in the game, you can now open the Control Panel, and access the new Kit Manager.
From here, you will be presented with a UI that looks like this:
Selecting [ADD KIT] will present the player with a template player inventory. From here, the owner can add items, weapons, and clothing in any permutation they want.
Selecting a tile on the inventory will open the standard item list on the right side, allowing the owner to add appropriate items for that slot.
Here, you can select items, and they will be placed in the slot you selected.
Be aware that only appropriate items can be placed in each of the inventory areas:
Clothing/Armour - Gear
All Items - Inventory
All Items - Belt
Once you have created your kit by placing items, you can edit its characteristics in the next panel. You have the option of changing:
Auth Level
Users | VIPs | Mods | Admins | Owners
This means all players can view this kit, but not necessarily buy/use it.
Determines whether the kit is viewable for everyone, or restricted to the auth level listed above.
Your newly-created kit will appear in the UI as such:
From here, you can further manipulate your created kit.
You have the following options:
Modify Kit
This will take you back to the kit creation screen where you can edit and add items
View Details
Here you can view additional information about the kit.
Give Kit to Player
You can choose a player on the server to grant a kit to for one-time use.
Give Kit to Auth Level Group
Same as above, but for entire auth levels.
Put Kit in the Vendor
You can add/remove up to 7 kits to the Kit Vending Machine, so that people may buy them with in-game items.
Delete kit
This will delete the kit from the UI completely.
The Kit Vending Machine [KVM] is a special type of Vending Machine that Owners/Admins can place around the map to sell created kits to players in the server.
You can spawn a Kits Machine from the Item Spawn menu. (Admin+ only)
To place kits in the Kit Vending Machine, you must first create a kit using the guide above.
After a kit has been created, go to the kit in the UI and select [Put Kit in Vendor].
You have the following options to modify your kits for the KVM:
For Sale
Enables/Disables the selling of the kit in a KVM.
Kit Amount
Defines the maximum amount of kits that can be stored in a KVM at any time.
1 -> ∞
Kit Restock Amount
Defines the amount of Kits restocked per tick (defined below).
0 -> 9999
Kit Restock Time
Defines the amount of time taken per restock. Lower is faster.
1s -> 365d 23h 59m 59s
Acquisition Per Player
Defines how many kits players are allowed to purchase at any one time.
1 -> ∞
Acquisition Cooldown
Defines the amount of time that must pass before the player is allowed to purchase this particular kit from the KVM again.
Currency Amount
Defines the amount of a certain item that is taken from the player in exchange for the kit.
0 -> 9999
Currency Item
Defines what kind of item the player must have in order to purchase the kit. This option opens the items list.
Any item
After pressing the [CONFIRM] button, your kit should appear in all KVMs around the map instantly, and be available to purchase with the settings you chose earlier.
Using the KVM is the same as interacting with a normal Vending Machine. Simply approach it, press the interact button shown on screen, and broswe the available kits.
You may encounter different scenarios, based on your Auth Level, affordability, or availability.
This Kit is available to buy, and you can afford it.
This Kit is available to buy, but you can't afford it.
This Kit is not available to you, as you do do not have the sufficient Auth Level to purchase it.
You can use the following command to create a kit, containing the items of your choice:
We have implemented a maximum limit of 128 kits per server.
kit add [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]This command adds an item to a kit, with the following 5 options:
(When you use this command for the first time, the kit will be created and you can add items to it by repeating the above command with different items)
Kit Name
Defines the name of the Kit that you want to create. For names with spaces, you must surround the name in quotation marks.
Item Name
Defines the amount of items that you would like to add. This adheres to current MaxStack rules on your server.
Defines the condition of the item you would like to add. This can range from 0-1
"Main" | "Belt" | "Wear"
Defines which inventory area you would like the item to be placed in.
kit info "KitName"Returns useful info about the chosen kit and prints it into the log.
kit listLists all active Kits in the server into the log.
kit remove "KitName" "ID"Where "kitname" is the name of the kit you would like to manipulate,
and "ID" is the ID of the item you would like to remove.
You can find this ID by running the above command
kit info "KitName"
kit delete "KitName"Deletes all items in the chosen Kit, then delets the Kit.
You can edit any active kits by using the following commands:
kit edit "KitName" changename "NewName"Changes the old "KitName" to "NewName".
kit edit "KitName" addgroup "Group"Adds the defined "kit" to spawn for all users in the defined "group".
kit edit "KitName" removegroup "Group"Removes the defined "kit" to spawn for all users in the defined "group".
The valid groups are:
Admins can also gift a kit to a single player, group, or all players on the server.
NOTE: This method of giving Kits will only give them a Kit once. They will be lost upon dying unless you have set up Kit groups (above).
kit givetogroup "kitname" "group"Where "kitname" is the name of the kit you would like to gift,
and "group" is any Auth Tier listed above.
kit givetoplayer "kitname" "ID"Where "kitname" is the name of the kit you would like to gift,
and "ID" is the in-game name of the player you choose.
kit giveall "kitname"Where "kitname" is the name of the kit you would like to gift.
inventory.removedefaultitem "itemname"
Removes all instances of the "item" from the player’s inventory upon spawning.
craft.adddefaultblueprint "itemname"
Adds the "blueprint" to the player’s knowledge base upon spawning.
Defines the item that you would like to add. For a list of items, is a good resource.