Kit Management

Kits are customisable inventories that the player can spawn with if the Admin/Owner wishes.

Kit Creation

You can use the following command to create a kit, containing the items of your choice:

We have implemented a maximum limit of 128 kits per server.


kit add [0] [1] [2] [3] [4]

This command adds an item to a kit, with the following 5 options:

(When you use this command for the first time, the kit will be created and you can add items to it by repeating the above command with different items)

ArgumentOptionInput TypeDescription


Kit Name


Defines the name of the Kit that you want to create. For names with spaces, you must surround the name in quotation marks.


Item Name


Defines the item that you would like to add. For a list of items, Corrosion hour's guide to Rust is a good resource.




Defines the amount of items that you would like to add. This adheres to current MaxStack rules on your server.




Defines the condition of the item you would like to add. This can range from 0-1



"Main" | "Belt" | "Wear"

Defines which inventory area you would like the item to be placed in.

Kit Information


kit info "KitName"

Returns useful info about the chosen kit and prints it into the log.


kit list

Lists all active Kits in the server into the log.

Kit Removal


kit remove "KitName" "ID"

Where "kitname" is the name of the kit you would like to manipulate,

and "ID" is the ID of the item you would like to remove.

You can find this ID by running the above command kit info "KitName"


kit delete "KitName"

Deletes all items in the chosen Kit, then delets the Kit.

Kit Name Changing

You can edit any active kits by using the following commands:


kit edit "KitName" changename "NewName"

Changes the old "KitName" to "NewName".

Kit Group Changing


kit edit "KitName" addgroup "Group"

Adds the defined "kit" to spawn for all users in the defined "group".


kit edit "KitName" removegroup "Group"

Removes the defined "kit" to spawn for all users in the defined "group".

The valid groups are:

  • User

  • VIP

  • Moderator

  • Admin

  • Owner

Kit Gifting

Admins can also gift a kit to a single player, group, or all players on the server.

NOTE: This method of giving Kits will only give them a Kit once. They will be lost upon dying unless you have set up Kit groups (above).



kit givetogroup "kitname" "group"

Where "kitname" is the name of the kit you would like to gift,

and "group" is any Auth Tier listed above.



kit givetoplayer "kitname" "ID"

Where "kitname" is the name of the kit you would like to gift,

and "ID" is the in-game name of the player you choose.

All Players


kit giveall "kitname"

Where "kitname" is the name of the kit you would like to gift.



inventory.adddefaultitem "itemname"

Adds the "item" to the player’s inventory upon spawning.


inventory.removedefaultitem "itemname"

Removes all instances of the "item" from the player’s inventory upon spawning.


craft.adddefaultblueprint "itemname"

Adds the "blueprint" to the player’s knowledge base upon spawning.


craft.removedefaultblueprint "itemname"

Removes the "blueprint" from the player’s knowledge base upon spawning.

Last updated