Custom Zones

We have updated the Killzone system so that players are now able to create custom zones, with an expanded range of options for how they want their zones to function. The following page has all the information you need to create a zone which is tailored to your needs.

Zone Creation


zones.createcustomzone [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

This command creates a zone with the following 10 properties:

IDArgumentsInput TypeDescription


Zone Name


Defines the name of the generated zone.


Map Position


Defines the centre of the generated zone. Uses map co-ordinates.




Defines the rotation of the generated zone. (Yaw)


Zone Shape

Sphere OR Box

Defines the shape of the generated zone.


Zone Size

IF [3] =BOX, (x,y,z) IF [3] =SPHERE, x

IF [3] =BOX, defines the width, height, and length of the box. IF [3] =SPHERE, defines the radius of the sphere.


Enable PvP?

0 or 1

Toggles whether players can damage other players within the generated zone.


Enable NPC vs Player Damage?

0 or 1

Toggles whether NPCs can damage players within the generated zone. (NOTE: Players can always damage NPCs)


Radiation Damage


Defines the amount of radiation to apply per server tick when within the generated zone.


Is Building Damage allowed?

0 or 1

Defines whether players can damage buildings when within the generated zone. (NOTE: Players can always damage their own buildings)


Is Building allowed?

0 or 1

Defines whether players can build within the generated zone.



zones.createcustomzone "Test" (500,35,90) 45 Box (225,150,150) 1 0 52 1 0

This command creates a Custom Zone with the following properties:

  • Zone Name is Test

  • Zone Position is (500,35,90)

  • Zone Rotation is 45⁰ clockwise

  • Zone is box-shaped

  • Zone size is 225m×150m×150m

  • This zone allows PvP

  • This zone does not allow NPCs to damage players

  • This zone deals 52 radiation per tick (similar to inside Launch Site)

  • This zone allows people to raid buildings but not build them

Zone Editing

So you have a zone, but you would like to change something about it without deleting and creating a new one. Use the commands below to edit the zone to your liking. You can also add features like area display and custom messaging to your zone should you see fit.


zones.editcustomzone "Name" "Setting" "Value"

Where "Name" is the name of the zone you would like to edit.

"Setting" is the setting that you would like to change.



0 or 1

Toggles whether this zone is active.



Defines the centre of the generated zone. Uses map co-ordinates.



Defines the rotation of the generated zone.



or box

Defines the shape of the generated zone.



| IF BOX| area of effect in meters.



| IF SPHERE| radius of effect in meters.


0 or 1

Toggles whether players can damage other players.


0 or 1

Toggles whether NPCs can damage players within the zone. (NOTE: Players will always be able to damage NPCs)



Defines the amount of radiation to apply per server tick when within the generated zone.


0 or 1

Defines whether players can damage buildings when within the zone. (NOTE: Players can always damage their own buildings)


0 or 1

Defines whether players can build within the generated zone.


0 or 1

Show a visible area within 100 meters of the zone.



Colour of the visible area, (0 -> 255 for each colour)


0 or 1

Should the player receive a chat message when entering/leaving



Message to display when entering the zone.



Message to display when exiting the zone.



zones.editcustomzone "Test" showarea 1

zones.editcustomzone "Test" color (255,0,255)

zones.editcustomzone "Test" showchatmessage 1

zones.editcustomzone "Test" entermessage "Welcome to the Test Zone!"

zones.editcustomzone "Test" leavemessage "See you later!"

The above commands have the following effects, when they are entered separately on the GPORTAL console:

  • The "Test" Zone now has a ring around it, visually defining the zone in-game

  • The ring's colour is now Magenta

  • The zone has in-game messaging enabled

  • When you enter the zone, the message "Welcome to the Test Zone!" will appear in-game

  • When you leave the zone, the message "See you later!" will appear in-game

Zone Priorities

Overlapping Custom Zones can have different effects, depending on their properties.

In general, the priority for zones is given to the non-default state of that property.

For example, in a regular server with no other settings, the following priorities apply:

Default Servers

  • PvP Damage OFF BEATS PvP Damage ON (Default)

  • NPC Damage OFF BEATS NPC Damage ON (Default)

  • Building Damage OFF BEATS Building Damage ON (Default)

  • Building Privilege OFF BEATS Building Privilege ON (Default)


Radiation damage in a zone will always apply, and will stack with other radiation sources.

For example, the overlap area between 2 Custom Zones each with 25 radiation damage will be 50 radiation damage.

PvE Servers

When the commands allowPvPDamage = 0 and allowPvBDamage = 0, the rules are slightly different.

In general, the priority for zones is given to the non-default state of that property.

  • PvP Damage ON BEATS PvP Damage OFF (Default)

  • NPC Damage ON BEATS NPC Damage OFF (Default)

The priority for building privilege remains the same.

Note: Custom Zones will not override any properties of a Monument Zone, regardless of the above priorities.

Editing Monument Killzones

Monument Killzones are part of the new Custom Zones system, meaning that you can edit some characteristics of the monument's zone using the following commands:


zones.editcustomzone "Monument Name" "Setting" "Value"



zones.editcustomzone "gas_station_1" "radiation" "25"

zones.editcustomzone "gas_station_1" "showarea" "1"

  • This enables 25 Radiation damage at Oxum's Gas Station

  • Oxum's Gas Station now has a visual border around it, outlining the Monument Killzone

Note: You cannot disable the no-build zone of monuments.

Additional Options

There are a few more commands that come with this feature, which are listed below:

TypeCommandInput TypeDescription


zones.customzoneinfo “Zone Name”


Lists the following information about the specified zone. Name Enabled Position Size Type Player Damage NPC Damage Radiation Damage Player Building Damage Allow Building Show Area Show Chat Message

Enter Message Leave Message




Prints a list of all zones on the server, and their current active status


zones.deletecustomzone “Zone Name”


Deletes the specified zone.

Monument Killzones

Monument Killzones still function as normal, but now fall under the new Zones system.

Cargo Ship Custom Zones: Custom zones currently do not function on Cargo Ships. These zones are not saved to individual Cargo Ships and are instead generated on server boot. A default Killzone is generated, but any changes will not be saved for subsequent Cargo Ships.





Prints a list of all monument killzones on the server, and their current active status




Deletes all monument killzones from the server



“monumentname" 0/1

Activates [1] or de-activates [0] the specified monument killzone

A list of monuments available are listed here:


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Airfield


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Shipping Cargoship


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Military Cargoship


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around Oxum’s Gas Station


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Small Harbor


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Large Harbor


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Launch Site


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Lighthouse


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Sulfur Mining Quarry


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Stone Mining Quarry


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the HQM Mining Quarry


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Large Oil Rig


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Small Oil Rig


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Power Plant


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Sewer


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Satellite Dish


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Dome


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Supermarket


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Trainyard


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Underwater Lab


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Water Treatment Plant


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around Water Well A


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around Water Well B


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around Water Well C


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around Water Well D


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around Water Well E


Spawns an exclusive PvP Zone around the Mining Outpost



zones.setmonumentkillzone gas_station_1 1

This command activates the classic Killzone at Oxum's Gas Station.

Last updated