Item Management
You can ban any item and manipulate its spawning, looting, and crafting with the following set of commands.
Banning Items
The main command to run for this feature is:
banitem "itemname" "option"Where "itemname" is the name of the item you want to manipulate,
and "option" is anything from the list below.
You can chain multiple options together by encasing them in quotation marks
A good resource for itemname
is Corrosion hour's guide to Rust
Please keep in mind that some items listed on this site may not be implemented in Rust: Console Edition at the time of writing.
The player cannot craft the item from the crafting screen or quick craft.
The item cannot be researched, but its children can still be researched.
The item cannot be researched, and you cannot unlock items below it on the Tech Tree.
A combination of TechTreeBypass
& TechTreeBlockpath
The item cannot be researched in the research table a blocked label will show in game.
Note: The blueprint for the item can still spawn even if this is active.
To disable blueprints entirely, use NoBlueprintSpawn
A combination of NoTechTree
& ResearchTableBlocked
The item can no longer spawn in any container and is removed from all containers
If the item has a blueprint, the blueprint will no longer spawn.
A combination of NoItemSpawn
& NoBlueprintSpawn
A combination of all options.
banitem "rifle.ak" "NoBlueprintSpawn NoCrafting"
This has the following effects:
The Assault Rifle can no longer generate blueprints
The Assault Rifle can no longer be crafted
This means the Assault Rifle can only be obtained through looting.
Un-banning Items
You can also unban items and undo the above commands using the following:
unbanitem "itemname"Where "itemname" is the name of the item you want to unban.
This command un-bans an item, and returns its spawning and crafting rules to default. Requires respawning of loot boxes etc.
unbanitem "rifle.ak"
The Assault Rifle has now returned to a default state and can generate blueprints, and be crafted normally. Note: This will require respawning of crates etc. to take effect.
Last updated
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